Photograph: Sveinn Speight
I made a new years resolution to do a pop album with my original music. Sara Marti Guðmundsóttir, singer (Lhooq, DIP), joined me. A few years later this album finally surfaced. We got some friends to help us out, Andri and Daniel Friðrik from Moses Hightower played bass and guitar. Groove maestro Helgi Svavar Helgason played drums, as well as Sigtryggur Baldursson from the Sugarcubes. Sigtryggur’s unique style of drumming has always intrigued me. Jóhann Ásmundsson, from Mezzoforte, played his funky bass on one track. The late Steingrímur Eyfjörð Guðmundsson, a dear friend, played guitar in three songs. He had such a personal touch on his instrument. He worked as a sound designer in film, and approached the guitar more as a sound sculpturist, but with deep love of old music, rockabilly, soul and jazz. My multi talented wife, Dóra Ísleifsdóttir, shared the lyricist credits with Tobias Munthe and she designed the album as well.