Styrmir Sigurðsson

Styrmir Sigurdsson

Fóstbræður  – Comedy Series

Director, Editor

I got the chance to develop a comedy series, in collaboration with my favourite comedians Jón Gnarr and Sigurjón Kjartansson, for the newly formed Channel 3 in Iceland. Actors Hilmir Snær, Benedikt Erlingsson and Helga Braga joined and Fóstbræður were thereby formed. We had just filmed the first episode when Channel 3 was sold and bought, and immediately closed down by its competitor, Channel 2. Shortly though, the new owners, Channel 2, green-lighted our first season for their station. We had big ambitions, wanting to break ground in comedy with our quirky ideas but limited resources and a skeleton crew. The show eventually became very popular and quite often heads lists of favourite TV shows of all time in Iceland. I ended up also editing the whole first season myself.

Production company: Channel 2

Camera: Egill Aðalsteinsson, Sound: Magnús Egilsson, Costumes: Helga Rún Pálsdóttir, Production design: Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, Make up: Gréta Boða, Inga Huldarsdóttir. AD: Eyþór Árnason.