Styrmir Sigurðsson

Styrmir Sigurdsson



A documentary about the Artic Fox by Guðbergur Davíðsson. After a long and cold winter a vixen gives life to fox cubs and their adventure begins. The score is mainly written for a string quartet, accompanied by upright piano, and occasionally acoustic bass and guitar. I love doing string arrangements and hearing them come alive with great players. The fewer the players are, the more delicate the outcome. 

Violins: Una Sveinbjarnardóttir, Helga Þóra Björgvinsdóttir 

Viola: Guðrún Hrund Harðardóttir 

Cello: Þórdís Gerður Jónsdóttir 

Bass: Andri Ólafsson 

Guitars: Ómar Guðjónsson 

Piano: Styrmir Sigurðsson 

Recorded and mixed by Andri Ólafsson