One of the most interesting bands that came out in Iceland during the 80’s was definitely Pax Vobis. They appeared on the scene so advanced, creatively and musically. My good friend, Þorsteinn, joined them as a drummer, and when they needed additional keyboards live he suggested me. At the time there was no band on earth I would rather play with. Me and Ásgeir aka Geiri Sæm, the singer / keyboardist struck up a great friendship and we made music together for years. We collaborated in a band called Hunangstunglið, and on some of his solo records, and in a joint project that unfortunately never saw the light of day. He tragically died 2019. He is greatly missed by everyone who knew him. Ásgeir was an amazing talent, sensitive, and immensely funny. Here is a clip from a live performance we did at RÚV. With an abundance of hair products, capes, and satin involved.
